Empowering Educators: Ugarit Publishing Sponsors the Common Core Bootcamp-Dubai

Education is evolving, and so are the tools that support it. That’s why events like the Common Core Bootcamp held at the American University of Dubai (AUD) are more important than ever. Bringing together passionate educators, curriculum experts, and publishing leaders, the bootcamp provided a unique space to explore best practices for implementing Common Core […]

Partnership with Nahdet Misr Publishing Group

We are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership between Ugarit Publishing and Nahdet Misr Publishing Group, a pioneering leader in education and publishing with over 85 years of excellence. As part of this collaboration, Nahdet Misr will become the exclusive distributor for Ugarit Publishing in Egypt. This partnership marks a significant milestone, combining Ugarit’s commitment […]

Frankfurt Book Fair 2024

We are excited to announce we have participated in the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair, where childhood education took center stage. The event provided invaluable insights into how publishers and educators are leveraging new technologies like AI to enhance learning experiences for children. From interactive books to educational gaming, we explored innovations aimed at fostering creativity […]