Science with Fun – 2nd Edition

Science With Fun is a course for children between 3-5 years old. It prepares the children to think like scientists by applying elements of the Investigatory Approach. It encourages curiosity, observation, questioning, investigation and experimenting to effectively learn the scientific concepts. By the end of this course the children will be able to apply scientific […]

Explore Science – Book A

A high-level task-based learning book for kindergarten children. It presents scientific knowledge, in a highly visual way and it has been carefully designed to help children to love to learn.

Explore Science – Book B

A high-level task-based learning book for kindergarten children. It presents scientific knowledge, in a highly visual way and it has been carefully designed to help children to love to learn.

Interactive Activities Platform

A high-level task-based learning book for kindergarten children. It presents scientific knowledge, in a highly visual way and it has been carefully designed to help children to love to learn.

Discover Science

Through playful activities and interactive learning, children will explore the basics of the weather, seasons, plants, animals, and humans. With a focus on curiosity, observation, prediction, investigation, and experimentation.

Presentation Plus – Discover Science

Through playful activities and interactive learning, children will explore the basics of the weather, seasons, plants, animals, and humans. With a focus on curiosity, observation, prediction, investigation, and experimentation.

Presentation Plus Sceince with Fun

Science with Fun Presentation Plus is the perfect solution for teachers to use PowerPoint Presentations as a teaching tool inside the classroom or distant learning. It is a perfect tool for dynamic lessons with everything teachers need in one place. All the activities in the Pupil’s Books are brought to life in this interactive resource.

Interactive App Science with Fun

We collaborated with Make It to create a simple and easy to operate interactive method of learning that works on cross platforms (IOS, Android and Macintosh devices). The application features various activities from matching as well as finding games; drag and drop quizzes, connecting and memory exercises and drawing and painting facilities.